Sunday 14 November 2010


I apoligise for my lateness, I had actually written these two nights ago but have only just remembered to post them. I must get my motivation back!


9th Nov 2010 (15)

Director: Todd Phillips
Verdict: I had read a lot of reviews before I went to see this and all seemed quite negative but this was because they were all comparing it to the ‘Hangover’, hence why they felt disappointed. I know it is the same director and one recurring actor but there is no point in comparing the two films because they aren’t connected in any way. I did really like this film, probably more than I was expecting because of these reviews but the main reason for my laughs was the character of Aiden, played by Zach Galifianakis who never ceases to make me laugh. Robert Downey Jr was as cool as normal but his character wasn’t the best I’ve seen. I would say my laughing was mainly chuckling and that I didn’t laugh constantly which is why I have given it my average star rating.

11th Nov 2010 (18)

Director: Jeff Tremaine
Verdict: I wasn’t particularly looking forward to going to see this film but I got dragged along by my boyfriend. He had previously shown me parts of the previous film which I didn’t find particularly funny. When we arrived at the cinema, I seemed to be of a minority! Although I wasn’t looking forward to it, I have given it four stars because I laughed throughout, and quite loudly too. Some parts were obviously, pretty gross and other parts I was genuinely shocked that they risked their lives for but overall I found it really enjoyable. I preferred it to the previous film because the men seemed more humble and genuine in this latest one. I do think it is time for the men to finally grow up and stop hurting themselves now though but it made me laugh a lot which is why I felt it deserved four stars.

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