Monday 7 February 2011


I feel very ashamed of myself because I have really struggled to bring myself to writing these reviews. I’ve been very busy recently and it seems like I’ve lost the heart to sit down and write my posts. I want to carry on with my blog but I’m afraid my posts to come will be very short as they are becoming delayed. I have decided to not write the date I went to see them anymore because to be quite honest, I’m starting to not remember! Thanks again for reading!



Director: James L. Brooks
Verdict: I was really looking forward to this because I love a good chick flick and I am a fan of Reese Witherspoon and Paul Rudd but I would say that I was slightly disappointed because I wasn’t quite sure about Witherspoon’s character. I did not think her actions were particularly realistic and I thought the film was far too long! I thought it went on and on but the ending seemed to be wrapped up pretty quickly!


Director: Simon West
Verdict: For what it is, this film is pretty good! I got dragged along by my boyfriend as he particularly likes Jason Statham, where as I can’t stand him. I would say I did actually really enjoy this because it was pretty entertaining. There’s not much else to say other than, it is an obvious action film with some good extra elements to it.


Director: Nathan Greno, Byron Howard 
Verdict: I don’t normally get excited about Disney but this time I did because I had heard some pretty good reviews which made me look forward to it a great deal. I would admit that it did not reach my expectations fully because the reviews seemed to be so positive but I did really enjoy it. I was impressed by the 3D and felt like it had all the right Disney elements to it.


Director: Clint Eastwood
Verdict: This was quite an unusual cinema experience for me because I went to see this film, thinking it was a completely different film. I thought it was a film that is actually coming out in March, ‘The Adjustment Bureau’. I’m just going to be honest when I say that I nearly fell asleep when I watched this film and I thought it was so slow and boring. It really didn’t help because I didn’t realise it wasn’t the film I was expecting till nearly the end when I sneakily looked on my phone to see what we were actually seeing!! The film seems to be about death basically and I really didn’t enjoy it. I’ve given it two stars because I thought the opening scene was really effective.

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