Thursday 21 April 2011


My last few days have been so busy but I have finally had time to sit down and I felt the need to write my latest review. I feel like I am really enjoying writing my blog at the moment so I hope you enjoy reading it!



Director: Catherine Hardwicke
Verdict: I went to see this film last night with my good friends Lydia and Nikki. We are admittedly big fans of the Twilight series so this film appealed to us. The movie is pretty self-explanatory as it is based on the famous fairy tale. I would say however, that it is very loosely based on the fairytale as the film revolves around finding the werewolf as it has been on a killing spree in the village. 

I loved the main guy characters as they were a good bit of eye candy and I did like Amanda Seyfried for once! I would say that the trailer is quite decieving because I was expecting there to be more romance, but in fact it was more about the village finding the wolf. I have to stupidly admit that I was slightly frightened in parts because I found it creepy and had to cuddle up to Lydia so I'm slightly wary about the certificate. Overall I did enjoy it but I would not recommend it to everybody because it could be seen as laughable and too dramatic.

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