Sunday, 24 April 2011



Director: Jason Winer
Verdict: I had already stated in my first 'Pick of the Week' that I was really looking forward to seeing this movie and I really wasn't disappointed. This is a remake, hence why it has had so many bad reviews because it doesn't live up to the original, apparently! I might try and get round to watching the Dudley Moore version but I think it might spoil it because I loved this movie.If you have not seen the trailer for this film then all you need to know is that Arthur is struggling to decide between money and love because his mother forces him to marry Susan (Jennifer Garner) or else he will lose his inheritance. He has to grow up and along the way he learns a lot of lessons. 

I can't even imagine this film without Russel Brand because I thought it was a brilliant casting; I do have to admit that if you hate Brand then you should steer clear from this film because, to be honest, his character doesn't change too much. I loved the relationship between Brand and Helen Mirren and I loved that this film reflects Brand's past problems. I have only just searched this film on IMDB and cannot believe it has only got five stars out of ten. I really think people need to lighten up and forget about the original and see this is an individual film. I understand if people have already seen the original and really love it but for what it's worth I really liked this film. I thought it was funny, sad, happy, lovable and a bit of fun!

Pick of the Week:              THOR

I wouldn't say I am REALLY REALLY looking forward to seeing this because then I would be lying. I figure that this new section should be the best film of the next week and to be honest, there isn't a lot out next week. I may seem like I am being slightly harsh though actually because I do want to see this film. Even though I have already disagreed with IMDB in this post, this film has been rated nearly eight so it could be pretty good. I'm not sure I could even explain what it's about particularly well so why don't you just watch the trailer below? Enjoy!

Thursday, 21 April 2011


My last few days have been so busy but I have finally had time to sit down and I felt the need to write my latest review. I feel like I am really enjoying writing my blog at the moment so I hope you enjoy reading it!



Director: Catherine Hardwicke
Verdict: I went to see this film last night with my good friends Lydia and Nikki. We are admittedly big fans of the Twilight series so this film appealed to us. The movie is pretty self-explanatory as it is based on the famous fairy tale. I would say however, that it is very loosely based on the fairytale as the film revolves around finding the werewolf as it has been on a killing spree in the village. 

I loved the main guy characters as they were a good bit of eye candy and I did like Amanda Seyfried for once! I would say that the trailer is quite decieving because I was expecting there to be more romance, but in fact it was more about the village finding the wolf. I have to stupidly admit that I was slightly frightened in parts because I found it creepy and had to cuddle up to Lydia so I'm slightly wary about the certificate. Overall I did enjoy it but I would not recommend it to everybody because it could be seen as laughable and too dramatic.

Monday, 18 April 2011


I have decided that I want to expand on my blog and make it slightly more interesting because I have been reading a lot of blogs recently and they have inspired me to be more creative. I will continue to do my reviews on the latest releases once I have seen them but I want to add other elements to my blog. I have decided to add ‘Pick of the Week’, where I will introduce an upcoming film which I am looking forward to and why. I will also add more images to my blog to make it more attractive! Anyway I hope you enjoy reading my blog as it continues to grow.



Director: Duncan Jones
Verdict: I feel slightly bad about this review because once I had posted my latest reviews I realised that I had missed out this film. I have no idea how I did this because it was not a bad film. I was going to give it more stars than this but I thought about it and it is always a bad sign when you forget about a film! The film looks into the life of Colter Stevens who is played by Jake Gyllenhaal, who suddenly wakes up in another man’s body and gets asked to complete a mission, in order to stop a bomb from going off on a train. The film is rather repetitive as he has to keep re living the situation in order to find the bomb planter. I would say this is the main downfall of the movie because I found myself silently sighing when the protagonist was thrown back into the same moment in time. However, I do understand that this is the whole point of the film.

            Jake Gyllenhaal in one of his many (flashback type) moments            

I was slightly unimpressed by Gyllenhaal’s performance as I thought his acting was flat and pretty average but perhaps that was the limitations of the character he had to play. I would say overall that this film is pretty good if you are looking for a bit of entertainment, but you should not think about the film too much and be prepared for a bit of cheese at the end!


Director: David Gordon Green
Verdict: I was looking forward to seeing this film because the trailers always made me giggle. I would say that the film did make me laugh, but it was one of those films where all the funniest bits were shown in the trailer. 'Your Highness' follows two brothers who are princes in a kingdom and they couldn't be more different as one is very heroic, whereas the other likes to sit back and watch. However, both brothers have to embark on a quest together in order to save the future princess.

James Franco and Danny McBride

I thought Danny McBride was brilliant at the loserish brother as he created the most laughs and I wasn't too sure about James Franco's performance in this, which I am sad to say because I am a big fan. I was going to give this the same rating as 'Source Code' but I have decided to give it three and a half because I keep remembering the funny parts. I would say the greatest annoyance for me was the fact the actors are American and they were all playing posh English folk, how irritating! Overall, a comical but crude film which again, should not be analysed too much! 

Pick of the Week:      ARTHUR

I am particularly looking forward to this film because I love most things with Russel Brand featuring. This movie looks comical and entertaining. I think I am going to enjoy Brand playing a slightly kinder and heartwarming character. I have heard bad reviews about this film because apparently it isn't as good as the original but I haven't seen it so I won't know! Anyway for any of you who haven't see the trailer already, here it is for all of you to check out:

Sunday, 10 April 2011


I think this might be the most delayed I have ever been with posting my film reviews. I have been very stressed recently with university work and I needed to get everything sorted first. I apologise for the delay.


Director: Doug Liman
Verdict: I have to be honest when I say that I went to see this so long ago that I can’t even remember how I felt about it. All I know that this is a sure sign that I did not particularly like it. I found it extremely dull and confusing. I did not feel like I was ever completely engaged with the film, which probably links to the confusion problem as I did not understand what was happening. I do remember however, that I was quite impressed with Naomi Watts' acting as I can't remember ever seeing her in anything and I thought she expressed her emotions very well. Others may like it but it’s not even showing in the cinemas anymore!


Director: Neil Burger
Verdict: I was really looking forward to going to see this film because I thought the trailer was really powerful and captivating. I was not disappointed. I really like Bradley Cooper, (not just for his looks…even though that helps) but I liked him in ‘The Hangover’. The story basically follows a low life writer who is struggling with his latest book and keeping his girlfried, but one day he happens to bump into an old friend. Cutting a long story short, this old friend offers him a drug and ensures him it will help him finish his book as it opens up every inch of the brain. The drug results in the protagonist getting into trouble, getting rich, getting girls and improving his life (basically). I loved that the trailer was really effective but as you watch the film you realise how much it did not give away. Overall a classy, engaging film.


Director: Kevin MacDonald
Verdict: 'The Eagle' takes us back to the past as it focuses on a young Roman soldier, in search for the 'golden eagle' to preserve his father's honour. I was not entirely sure I wanted to see this film because I wasn’t sure how Channing Tatum would work as a Roman. However, the film did have its fairly good moments. There were some good fighting scenes and I liked Jamie Bell in this movie. I just cannot understand what accents the characters were supposed to have because Tatum is American, who kept creeping in an out with English and Jamie Bell is English. If you have read my reviews before then you would have noticed that bad accents are one of my pet hates. Overall, an alright film but it seemed like something was not right.


Director: George Tillman Jr
Verdict: I’m not even sure why I went to see this film but my boyfriend dragged me along. I’m not sure whether it was because I was in a good mood or because I was expecting something really bad but I actually liked this film quite a lot. The film explores a man who is after revenge on the men that killed his brother. The protagonist played by ‘The Rock’ was quite an interesting character as he did not say much but I think this is what I liked. I thought the directing was effective because it didn't seem to mess about; the main three characters are labelled at the beginning as ‘The Driver’, ‘The Cop’ and ‘The Killer’. Some people may have seen this film and disagree with me entirely and I probably would if I saw it again but for what it was, I found it entertaining.


Director: Tim Hill
Verdict: This is the story of the Easter Bunny as the main character E.B doesn't want the respobsibility handed down to him as he wants to become a drummer in Hollywood. Yes I am still talking about a rabbit! I really wanted to see this as I am a sucker for a kiddy animation. Although I did enjoy it, I may have been slightly disappointed because it was aimed at a very young audience. Obviously I should have expected that but I like animations which appeal to both children and adults but ‘Hop’ struggled with this. I also believe that what made it enjoyable for me was Russell Brand's voice as E.B, it created a different side to him and it made it particularly comical at times. If you are looking for a light hearted Easter (seemed very Christmassy) film to take your younger relations to, then this is the perfect film for you.